Wednesday, July 29, 2009

She Speaks

This weekend I'm off to the She Speaks Conference. You can read more about the conference here. Basically it's a Speaker/Writer/Women's Ministry Leader training conference and it is incredible. I had the great fortune to attend in 2007 and am going back this year.

Today I found myself getting excited to write about what God does...before it happens! Mentally I had a whole week of posts mapped out. So I thought I should take a moment or two to talk about what He's already done. Here's how God has already spoken before the weekend even begins:
  • I had an overwhelming desire to go back to She Speaks and had no clue of where the money to register would come from. God did and He brought it.
  • I felt like I should bring a proposal, but had no clue of where or how to begin. God did and He brought just the right people to help me out.
  • I wanted to know people going this year (I knew no one in 2007!). Not only am I going with some fabulous friends, I'm going to meet some new ones face to face finally.
  • I cried a lot during the writing process. Hard to admit, but there's a whole lot of reasons why writing is the last thing I feel called to. (Another post for another day..maybe.) God knew my fears and He brought me much comfort through the prayers of friends and even strangers.
  • Lastly I almost gave up so many times out of fear, I can't even remember how many. But God used His Word to comfort me.

"I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces." Psalm 34:4,5 NLT

I am going to She Speaks in full confidence that God has called me to go, that God has sent me and that God will be faithful through this process. No matter what happens, we're gonna be talking next week about how HE SPEAKS at SHE SPEAKS!

In the meantime, I'd love to hear how God is speaking to you.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Times of Refreshing

Early this morning I awakened to rain falling against my window, thunder booming and lightning flashing. It was so refreshing, because we've not had a good summer thunderstorm in a while. Later I left the house and couldn't help but notice that the trees were standing taller and looking greener. My hydrangeas were all perked up and the blooms were so nice to see. Even though the sun was starting to come out and the temperature was rising, the rain had given everything a look of readiness.


It reminded me of one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,"


As I spend time with God every morning, repent of my sins and let His word wash over me, I too am refreshed. I can face the day a little taller, a little more prepared for life. When the traffic is bad, the kids are arguing, the phone want stop ringing, and there's more to do than I can possibly manage, my attitude is so much nicer. I'm very grateful for God's presence and His word in my daily life.