Wednesday, August 11, 2010

In a Pickle!

That's where I find myself a pickle. You know those times when it's difficult to know what to do. Do I move ahead? Do I go back? Do I stand still?

In softball, base runners can get caught in a pickle too. It's when the runner is stuck between two bases and the defense is running them down, trying to tag them out. It's interesting to watch different players in this situation and how they handle it. Some will plow ahead regardless of how close the tag may be, driven to get to the next base. Others may freeze and be overwhelmed by the defensive players coming at them. The smart players listen to their coach. These are the ones who can block out the crowd noise and focus on the voice that has the big picture. The runner can't necessarily see where the ball is at all times, but the coach can. Listening to the coaches direction will most likely get the player safely on base.

Today this is how God reminded me not to fret over my "pickle". He's asking me not to say, "to heck with it" and plow on, but to listen to His voice. He's asking me to weed out all the noise around me (the opinion of others) and listen to Him. Have you been in a pickle lately? How did you discern what God wanted you to do?

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." Isaiah 30:21 NIV

1 comment:

LauraLee Shaw said...

I'll be praying you hear His voice. Reminds me of the Cheri Keaggy song: "Stay to the Middle." Love the way the Lord is leading you, sister.