Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Eat Pray Love

I watched this movie, Eat Pray Love, with my husband recently. The main character goes on this year long, self-discovery journey and lands in a different location around the world for each part. Neither of us liked it very much, but the scenery was beautiful. It definitely made us want to go to Rome one day.

Real life in our house doesn't allow for a year long journey, but every day does! Every day we have an opportunity to eat, pray and love with the ones we're surrounded by.

Eat-Our daily journey usually culminates at the dinner table each night. Our children are still fairly young, so we can have a family meal almost daily. It's a good time for us and much conversation happens around the table. We've been intentional about making this work, but I know it won't last forever.

Pray-This is probably the weakest link of the three parts for us. We talk about people, things or situations that we need to pray over, but we don't necessarily pray for them together. Prayer is such an intimate thing I think that it is hard sometimes to have others hear us. We feel like we're listening in on a private conversation. Thankfully God hears us, and so we pray individually.

Love-Every day as a work at home Mom, I can love my family quite easily. Whether it's by doing the laundry, cleaning the house or making a good meal, serving my family is loving them. Making our home a warm, safe place that builds their confidence and encourages them in their life is a blessing.

Make every day count. Be intentional about eating, praying and loving with the ones you're surrounded by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a certain power in praying together, and it grows your faith in incredible ways. Makes you a stronger team. I actually have a book on how to pray as a couple---how to start and how to feel more comfortable praying aloud together. I got it at a marriage conference. I wish I could recall the name! But it's worth working at.