Monday, March 21, 2011

Game Changer

Last week I wrapped up the study of Jonah by Priscilla Shirer. While reflecting on what I had learned over the past six weeks, it occurred to me that there was one moment that changed my whole perspective on Jonah. I grew up going to church and Jonah was a popular Sunday School lesson. Most of the teaching was about Jonah disobeying God and being swallowed by a big fish. At some point my young mind decided that Jonah was being punished and that's how I've always viewed the story- until now.

During the early part of the study, Priscilla refers to the fish as God's grace. Huh? The game changer-Grace. Grace has been defined as God's unmerited favor. We don't deserve it, yet God lavishly gives it to us. You see God could have left Jonah to go where he wanted to- far away from God's calling. He could have left Jonah in the ocean to drown-no longer useful in God's kingdom. Instead God chose to extend grace and swallow Jonah up in a big fish and bring him back-back to the place of his calling and his usefulness to God.

It's sort of like making a u-turn when we realize we're heading in the wrong direction. We go back to the place that we know is right and start over. Grace allows for the mistakes and sets us back on the right track. It's a game changer.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Awesome! I had never thought of it like that either!!! But I can see what she is saying. I am studying, Lord, I Need Grace to Make it Today, by Kay Arthur. This goes right along with my study. Thank you so much for sharing!!