Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Reason He Came

It's December 1st and this time of year can bring about much anxiety for me. I get overwhelmed by all the additional activities that the holiday season brings. School parties, brunches, visits to the mall, baking, traveling, more visits to the mall and the list just goes on. Too often I have lots of plans and ideas that go undone, because there's just not enough time! This year however, I've decided to try something different. I'm keeping all the peripheral stuff simple and spending some time each day in December remembering and reflecting on why Jesus came.

This morning I began my pursuit by reading 1 Timothy chapter 1. Verse 15 says,

"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-"

Jesus came to save us. He was born into this world to save us. It's the reason He came and the greatest gift we can ever accept. In what ways will you remember the reason Jesus came this season?

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