Monday, January 16, 2012


The New Year has begun and I decided to choose one word for this year. I found this site last year and shared my 2011 word here in this post. My goal with choosing one word is to have it be a filter that I view my life through in 2012. My 2012 One Word is Present. I want it to remind me that God is present...all the time. Psalm 46:1 says, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

God is an ever-present help! That's pretty amazing if you stop and think about it. The problem for me is that I don't often stop to think about it. I tend to freak out, worry, fret, wail, etc, etc, etc. It's not pretty and it's not very mature. It is the truth sometimes for me, unfortunately. All is not lost though.

Since deciding this was my one word a few weeks ago, I've realized that it also means for me to be present, in the moment. To deal with things as they come up. Not to dwell, replay and relive. Not to reason why or why not and talk myself out of something (I do this a lot!). To deal presently…in the moment. Practicing this these first few weeks of the New Year has been life changing for me. Things that would normally become toxic in my life are not. It's very refreshing to not have all the "stuff" spinning around in my head. Deal with it and move on.

Do you choose a One Word for the year? I'd love to hear about it.

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